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Do I regret going back to a 9-5?

Do I regret going back to a 9-5?

About a year and half ago, I went back to a 9-5 job...and then I left that job to start a different job.

It's been a wild ride. But the real question is: Do I regret going back to a 9-5?

In this episode I breakdown the pros and cons of transition to an employee and what's next for my entrepreneurial spirit.

Let's dive in!

Are you thinking about quitting your business or your job?

Download my Quit Guide to walk you through some crucial questions you need to answer before deciding to quit: 



P.S. If you prefer to listen to the audio podcast of this episode, you can catch it on Apple PodcastSpotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search for Brazenist! 


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